9-4-20: Weekly COVID-19 Update
Staff reported positive for COVID-19 this week: 0
Staff quarantined due to exposure to COVID-19 this week: 1
Students reported positive for COVID-19 this week: 5
Students quarantined due to exposure to COVID-19 this week: 4
Total staff positive for COVID-19 since 7/24/20: 12
Total staff quarantined due to exposure since 7/24/20: 16
Total students positive for COVID-19 since 7/15/20: 12
Total students quarantined due to exposure since 7/15/20: 19
For the privacy of all students and staff, Marion School District will not be sharing any personal information publicly.
We remain firmly committed to providing a safe environment and will follow the guidance provided by the Arkansas Department of Health, CDC, and Department of Elementary and Secondary Education.
Kelly Fogleman, BSN, RN, NCSN
School Health Coordinator
870-739-5140 (office)
Happy Thursday Patriots!
Senior night festivities for football and cheer will be held this Friday, Sept. 4 at 6:30 pm. It is not opened to the public due to COVID-19 restrictions. Only those with tickets and Patriot Passes may attend. Seating is limited to the event maximun capacity dictated by the AHD and the AAA.
If you are unable to attend, you can catch the festivities live at MarionPatriots.com or Marion Patriot Mascot Media.
Hello Patriots!
COVID 19 has brought many changes to this school year. One such change is the way we host athletic events. The district must follow all guidelines and mandates set by the Arkansas Department of Health and the Arkansas Activities Association.
Following these guidelines limits the total number of spectators allowed in each venue. The district has set the following standards for Home High School Varsity football games.
Each student athlete, band member, and cheerleader will be allowed to purchase two tickets.
All Tickets will be sold prior to the event.
AAA passes will be allowed until event maximum capacity is reached.
Patriot Passes will be allowed for admittance until event maximum capacity is reached.
No school ID passes will be allowed for admittance.
Seating is clearly marked by family groups, maintaining six feet of social distance.
Volleyball / Junior High Football Game events
Tickets will be sold at Patriot Arena / Patriot Stadium until the COVID 19 capacity is reached.
The district may choose to pre-sell tickets for some game nights.
AAA passes will be allowed until event maximum capacity is reached.
School ID passes will be allowed for admittance until event capacity is reached.
Patriot Passes will be allowed for admittance until event capacity is reached.
Seating is clearly marked by family groups, maintaining six feet of social distance.
Derek Harrell
Athletic Director
Marion School District
Office 870-739-5100
Fax 870-739-5156
Today, Marion School District received notification that 5 students have been confirmed as positive for COVID-19. None of the five have been on any MSD campus during their infectious period. As a result, no staff or students have been exposed or identified as a close contact. The campuses affected are VPA, HCGC, and MJHS, however, three of the five cases are virtual learners and the remaining two cases have not been on our campus since we began school on 8/24/20. For the privacy of all students and staff, Marion School District will not be sharing any personal information publicly. All of the cases have been reported to the Arkansas Department of Health.
We remain firmly committed to providing a safe environment and will follow the guidance provided by the Arkansas Department of Health, CDC, and Department of Elementary and Secondary Education.
Kelly Fogleman, BSN, RN, NCSN
School Health Coordinator
870-739-5140 (office)
MHS Seniors:
Final call for September 22 appointments. Please email Ms. Westerman at awesterman@msd3.org to schedule your makeup session by September 8. The appointment slots will close next Tuesday. Only the Drape/Tux will be taken on this makeup day!
Face-to-Face Sophomores and Juniors: See flyer below for online code to order your pictures! Pictures will be taken on Wednesday, September 2 for FACE-TO-FACE students only. Virtual sophomores and juniors will be taken at a later date. If you have questions, please contact Ms. Westerman at awesterman@msd3.org
8-28-20: Weekly COVID-19 Update
Staff reported positive for COVID-19 this week: 0
Staff quarantined due to exposure to COVID-19 this week: 1
Students reported positive for COVID-19 this week: 0
Students quarantined due to exposure to COVID-19 this week: 5
Total staff positive for COVID-19 since 7/24/20: 12
Total staff quarantined due to exposure since 7/24/20: 15
Total students positive for COVID-19 since 7/15/20: 7
Total students quarantined due to exposure since 7/15/20: 15
For the privacy of all students and staff, Marion School District will not be sharing any personal information publicly.
We remain firmly committed to providing a safe environment and will follow the guidance provided by the Arkansas Department of Health, CDC, and Department of Elementary and Secondary Education.
kelly msd mask.png
Kelly Fogleman, BSN, RN, NCSN
School Health Coordinator
870-739-5140 (office)
I just wanted to pass on this guidance from Dr. Dillaha from the Arkansas Department of Health:
Arkansas Department of Health State (ADH) Epidemiologist Dr. Jennifer Dillaha recommended that Arkansans wear face masks that fit pretty closely to the face and consist of a minimum of two layers of material in order to reduce the puffs of air that can go through or around the mask. Dr. Dillaha said masks with valves are not effective because the valve focuses a stream of air and does not prevent respiratory droplets from making it outside the mask. If individuals choose to wear neck gaiters or bandannas, they should double-them up because the second layer of material will offer added protection.
MSD will not police types of masks worn by faculty/students, as long as the mouth and nose are covered, per MSD policy. However, please consider using a mask with at least two layers of material and with no expiration valve to best protect others!
Lastly, remember masks should be treated like underwear... KEEP THEM CLEAN AND CHANGE THEM DAILY!!
Kelly Fogleman, BSN, RN, NCSN
Coordinated School Health Coordinator
If you have not filled out the free/reduce lunch application for the 2020-21 school year, please do so now.
It's now available at https://bit.ly/38joQnt
Everyone should apply today.
Even if you have chosen the MSD online learning option, your child is still a district student and your eligibility counts.
If you've already applied for the 2020-21 school year you do not have to reapply.
Thank you for your support of the MSD Child Nutrition Department.
MHS Seniors:
If you missed the first two picture sessions, you have one more shot to get your photo taken. September 22 LifeTouch will be here for the final senior session, taking ONLY the Drape/Tux shot. Cap and Gown and Casuals will NOT be taken on this day. If you missed the first two sessions, please email Ms. Westerman at awesterman@msd3.org so she can get you on the schedule for the 22nd. Please specify if you are NOT on campus from 8-10 so she does not schedule you at that time.
Hello Patriots!
The Marion School District phone system is currently experiencing technical difficulties. Your phone calls may or may not make it through to our buildings today. Please be patient as our technicians are working diligently to correct this problem. Thank you for your continued support!
We appreciate your flexibility and understanding during these uncertain times. We are working to navigate the changing data and guidance on what our schools will look like for the 2020-21 school year.
The health of our students, staff, and families is our number one priority. These pages will be updated regularly to keep everyone informed on what we’re doing as a district to combat the effects of COVID-19 (Coronavirus).
We continue to closely monitor reports and information shared by the Arkansas Department of Health and the CDC regarding COVID-19, and we are in contact regularly with health officials from the city and county.
We know that the COVID-19 pandemic has raised many questions regarding how the district will start for the coming school year. We have created these web pages to help provide context to our decisions as we prepare for the 2020-2021 school year. The information here will be updated to reflect changes as they are made.
Good evening Patriots!
If you missed your device pickup this week you have another opportunity tomorrow morning from 7am to 10am at the Patriot Arena parking lot. Students must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian. See you there!
Thanks to our MHS parents and students for a great turn out on your device pickup day. If you weren’t able to pickup your device today you have another opportunity tomorrow morning from 7am to 10am.
Looking for your child’s bus stop? You can search it on our website. Simply go to www.msd3.org, then click Menu. Under District Departments, click Transportation, and the Find My Bus Stop. Type your address and select your students school to see when and where your student can expect to meet the bus each day.
You can also click the following link:
8-21-20: Weekly COVID-19 Update
Staff reported positive for COVID-19 this week: 1
Staff quarantined due to exposure to COVID-19 this week: 1
Students reported positive for COVID-19 this week: 1
Students quarantined due to exposure to COVID-19 this week: 0
Total staff positive for COVID-19 since 7/24/20: 12
Total staff quarantined due to exposure since 7/24/20: 14
Total students positive for COVID-19 since 7/15/20: 7
Total students quarantined due to exposure since 7/15/20: 10
For the privacy of all students and staff, Marion School District will not be sharing any personal information publicly.
We remain firmly committed to providing a safe environment and will follow the guidance provided by the Arkansas Department of Health, CDC, and Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Kelly Fogleman, BSN, RN, NCSN
Coordinated School Health Coordinator
Thank you MHS parents and students for a great device pickup morning. If you missed us this morning we'll be back out starting at 5pm until 8pm. Students must be present with a parent or legal guradian. See you soon.
Happy Friday Patriot Nation: The attached graphic is a screening process that parents need to conduct on their child each day prior to coming to school. All of our facutly and staff are looking forward to see you starting Monday! GO PATRIOTS!